sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Robson Sampaio column of the Folha de Pernambuco.

Tradução: português » inglês

Mothers charge of the Prefecture of the reef, improvements in the Municipal Children's Educational Center of Wheel of Fire, in cubes, which houses 120 children, 0 to 5 years. According to Manoel Limoeiro, author of the photo, the claims are: sewage dripping sky, within the Center; scrub, in place of leisure for children; box d 'water with more than 4 thousand liters round, needing urgent repair.

More complaints

According to Manoel still Limoeiro, mothers complain that the cleaning material, sometimes, it takes a lot to get to the Educational Center. And that CRP has received letter and so far has done nothing. The citizens demanding action.


Reader request the intervention of the Municipality of Recife to plug a hole in the intersection of streets Professor José Joaquim de Almeida and Washington Duarte Espindola, Wheel fire in cubes. Fear that someone is an accident.

Column of Great Recife, Pernambuco sheet of the journalist: Robson Sampaio. In: 01 August 2009, Saturday.

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